
Finished Juniper TableRough Milled Juniper SlabsClose Up Epoxy Juniper TabletopJuniper SidingJuniper coffee table with natural legsFinished Juniper Dining TableFinished Juniper TableAssortment of Juniper ProductsFinished Juniper CountertopRough Milled Juniper SlabsFinished Juniper CountertopAssorted Juniper End TablesJuniper Bench with natural legsLaminated juniper slabsFinished Juniper Bar TopFinished Juniper Bar TopLaminated Juniper SlabsJuniper SlabsJuniper Slabs on Uncut LogsClose up epoxy in juniper table topLaminated Juniper CounterWaterfall Epoxy CountertopFinished Juniper TopFinished Juniper End tableJuniper SlabsCustom Juniper CountertopJuniper SlabsFinished Juniper SlabFinished Juniper Bar TopJuniper SlabJuniper LogsJuniper Picnic TabletopFinished Detail in EpoxyJuniper Coffee Table with natural legsCustom Juniper Truck Bed InstallationJuniper SlabsJuniper SlabsJuniper End Table with Stump BaseJuniper Bar TopJuniper Side TableEpoxy on Juniper TableJuniper SlabEpoxy on Juniper TableLaminated Juniper Dining TableNatural Legs on Juniper Coffee TableCustom Juniper Countertop and BacksplashJuniper SlabJuniper LogsCustom Truck BedLaminated Juniper Dining TableCustom Juniper Bar Top